Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Don't the Greens believe in modern technology such as "watches"?

Greens get stuck in traffic, miss Botany by-election deadline
The Green Party has missed out on a chance to run in the Botany by-election for failing to register its candidate in time.
The Electoral Commission has released the details of who is standing in the March 5 by-election and where people can vote.
The Greens announced in a press release late last night that it had selected former staffer Richard Leckinger to stand, but Chief Electoral Officer Robert Peden said Leckinger had not made it.
"A completed nomination form from the Green Party was not received before the legal deadline of noon today and therefore the Electoral Commission could not accept the nomination," he said.

Maybe he partied too hard "late last night" after successfully becoming their candidate? That would be *my* mostly likely excuse if I was in his shoes...

However you have to ask why hadn't the Greens selected somebody well before a few hours before the cut off time? (as if you haven't even selected a person then it is going to be tough to get the nomination in early!)

With this brilliant display of forward planning it is no wonder we don't trust the Greens with economic planning for the country.

I will however suggest next time he cycles rather than drives, he is a Greenie after all!

Botany by-election candidates:
Al-Saady, Hussain - Pirate Party of New
Biggs, Leo Aotearoa - Legalise Cannabis Party
Bright, Penny -
Caithness, Robin - Join Australia Movement Party
Goh, Robert -
Murphy, Lyn - Act New Zealand
Ross, Jami-Lee - National
Wood, Michael - Labour Party
Young, Paul - New Citizen
Young, Wayne - Independent

I guess The Green Party is just not as serious political contender as "Pirate Party of New Zealand" or "Join Australia Movement Party"! Let's not forget "New Citizen Party", "Legalise Cannabis Party", and Penny Bright! As they're all jokes too, but at least they've been around for a while, but it is telling even those first two (Pirates and Australians!) which have no experience as they are brand new (?) could still get their shit sorted on time! (plus the "New Citizen Party" which is also brand new)

1 comment:

writingright said...

A golden little comment on Whaleoil:

"They should be prop­erly organ­ised, Like Bill Birch was many years ago. His sup­port­ers had to get his nom­i­na­tion for selec­tion to the elec­torate sec­re­tary (my late mum) who lived at the edge of the elec­torate. The all-important nom­i­na­tion was deliv­ered by a con­voy of two cars – in case one broke down. Need­less to say he won National’s nom­i­na­tion for Franklin (as it then was) and the rest is his­tory."

TWO cars!